Never as this year our planet Earth has been visited from the averse ones. Or better, never as this year us they have been many signals of presumed sights of unidentified flying objects (UFO) to you. At least, in Great Britain. Thoughts that only in United Kingdom, in this 2007 we have been about 135 signals comming from unidentified flying objects. Coparing 2006, when people ftom Great Britain have seen "only" 97 unidentified flying objects, it was an increment of the 40 to hundreds of si...
The Indian Guru Maharishi Mahesh is dead. Many of us remember he was the guru of the Beatles. His major contribution supported the way of the meditation introduced by the quartet from Liverpool. They have been inspired during the visit in 1968. Guru Maharishi Mahesh was find dead at the age 91 years, in his house from Vlodrop, in Holland
A man was charged with withdrawing $2 million from an account after a bank confused him with a man who has the same name. Benjamin Lovell was arraigned Tuesday on grand larceny charges. The 48-year-old salesman said he tried to tell officials at Commerce Bank in December that he did not have a $5 million account. Lovell said he was told it was his and he could withdraw the money. Prosecutors said the bank — which advertises itself as America's Most Convenient Bank &mdas...
One hundred or more years ago, a sailing vessel wrecked on the sandbars off Wellfleet’s outer beaches. This past weekend’s storm peeled back the sand, and the years, and freed the vessel. And for the first time in more than a century it was afloat on the ocean - or at least it’s skeletal remains. It drifted to shore, more than 50 feet long, and grounded on the sands of Newcomb Hollow Beach. The large oak timbers of the ship’s ribs still rise from the keel, as they did when it was built...
Arsenic poisoning did not kill Napoleon, a new analysis suggests, contrary to claims made in recent years. The results of the study show high levels of arsenic in Napoleon Bonaparte's hair throughout his life, suggesting he was not poisoned at the end of his life while in exile on the island of Saint Helena. Rather he probably absorbed arsenic constantly throughout his life, the researchers say. The cause of Napoleon's death has been in dispute for a long time, with some saying he die...
The images of our gallery are spectacular, but al same time chilling and terrifying: the photographies, in fact, show the eruption of the Tungurahua volcano, than just in these days to resumed its activity. And in Ecuador the worry between the population and the authority for the eruption of the volcano is a lot. The many villages and the countries in danger, why they rise just in zones limitrofe. The population that lives to south of Quito, in Ecuador, is accustomed for a long time to co...